Book Review “Spark by John J. Ratey, MD”

How exercise impacts our brain


In his revolutionary book, the author explains how exercise can have profound effects on the brain, as is supported by the latest scientific research. The author not only tells the neurological basis of the unmatched benefits of exercise on the brain but also quotes real-life examples and the studies that have yielded the conclusion.

Exercise stabilizes the concentration of the different neurotransmitters in the brain, which is the best antidote for stress, anxiety, and depression. Research has also shown that exercise increases attention and learning ability. There is enough scientific evidence that exercise increases the ability of cells to withstand stress thereby slowing down the ageing process of the whole body including the brain.

Strengths of the Book

This book is a masterpiece. The thing that makes this book so influential is that the author quotes the scientific research supporting his claims (or rather we should say that his claims are based on scientific research) and also explains the underlying causes that lead to such positive effects on the brain. If this book can’t get you to exercise, nothing can.

Weaknesses of the Book

The author also presents some hypotheses not supported by enough scientific evidence, discussing the root cause of some of the positive effects of exercise on the brain, though he also tells this fact to the reader which makes this weakness quite a minor one.

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